If you have been hurt at work while doing your job duties, you have probably filed for a workers’ comp claim. However, if there has been unresolved conflict about your claim and the dispute can’t be settled, the matter may be headed to a workers’ comp hearing and you must have a workers’ comp in Cedar Rapids representing you. A good attorney will help protect your right to compensation for your workplace injury and prepare for your hearing:
How to Prepare for Your Workers’ Comp Hearing
Having legal representation for your workers’ comp claim eliminates your worry about missing notices for hearings or what you should have to prevail at these hearings. Handling your claim alone may ruin any chance of receiving benefits because you might not understand the law and the workers’ comp procedures. By having legal counsel, you can concentrate on healing while your lawyer handles your legal claim.
Your attorney will prepare for your hearings and tailor their preparations based on what the hearing is about. For instance, the hearing may be about your employer disputing your injury or the type of benefits you might be getting. Or they may argue that you no longer deserve to get benefits for some reason.
Building Your Case
If you have decided to pursue a workers’ comp case, you must prepare to obtain copies of documents that support your claims such as medical records and unpaid medical bills. You might need to take part in a discovery process with your employer’s insurance company. This process involves an exchange of documents and information between you and the insurer. Ensure you follow the rules of the estate in terms of sharing and submitting evidence. Otherwise, the court might not allow you to present evidence to a jury or judge at your hearing.
Testifying at Your Hearing
When you testify at a workers’ comp hearing, you will have to answer the questions asked. Also, you need to follow the evidentiary rules of the state. For instance, you may not be able to testify about things said to you by other people due to the hearsay rule. The only things you can testify about include those you experienced, said, or saw.
Before your hearing, you must organize your thoughts. Consider taking notes of your claim’s timeline including the time and date of your workplace injury, when you reported it, medical events, and the progress of your symptoms over time. Ensure to give accurate and honest details at the hearing.