Why should you not sleep with your contact lenses?

Last weekend, My friends came to my house for a party after completing our college graduation. We party hard and next morning when we are getting ourselves ready for travelling to Lord Rama temple, My friend comes to me in panic situation as his eyes are red and puffy.

Pretty soon, it becomes clear why his eyes are red and puffy because he sleeps with his contact lenses. My friend used to sleep with his contact lenses for months. This is wrong practice to sleep with contact lenses as it is not good for your eyes.

Then the next day, we moved to an experienced doctor which is next to my house. I am getting a feeling, it happened because of sleeping with contact lenses, it is generally very important for everyone who wears contact lenses, it is a serious matter as eye doctors always suggest you to not to sleep with contact lenses. It can cause many problems

People are wearing different types of lenses like white contact lenses, black contact lenses etc. They decorate their body and eyes, which looks amazing.

Let me explain to you in details, what happened when you sleep with contact lenses-

When you sleep with contact lenses, Your eyes can develop something known as “Corneal neovascularization”, it occurs due to lack of oxygen, if it grows too much with time, your contacts will not be fitted again anymore, you cannot be able to wear contact lenses again. You have to wear only glasses then.

It can sometimes create Corneal microscysts within eyes which occur due to lack of oxygen. The doctor also suggests you wear only Gas permeable hard contact lenses only. 

There are many other serious impacts of wearing contact lenses with sleep- The common problem is Contact lens acute red eyes. Along with this, you can also feel eyes pain, eyes redness and light sensitivity issues.

It can even cause Corneal Ulcer, it is an eruption of cornea which is caused by an infection, that can even lead to blindness. It has so many symptoms like eye discomfort, excessive tearing and eyes redness. It happens with aggressive microbes and sometimes patients can also lose vision permanently.

It can be treated with corneal transplant, which is serious eye surgery.   All these complications occur after sleeping with contact lenses.

Another problem occurs which is known as giant papillary conjunctivitis. It occurs with upper eyelids  and causes mucous discharge and itching. It happens due to poor fitting of the lenses within the eye. Moreover, it also causes Acanthamoeba keratitis and conjunctivitis, the disease in which amoebae invade over the cornea and causes permanent visual blindness.

Conclusion- The moral of the story is never sleep with your contact lenses as they can cause you serious problems. Your eyes are a very important organ for your daily life routine. Always respect and value your eyes, Just 1 minute laziness can put you in serious trouble. Do share this with others as well. 

I hope the above article will help you to keep your eyes healthy all the time.