Migraine is not a life-threatening disease but is sufficient to disrupt daily activities. One in seven people suffers from migraine headaches every day.
Migraine headaches are usually episodic. The pain is felt only in certain parts of the head, pulsating and causing nausea and vomiting. A migraine attack usually lasts for hours and may take up to three days. Migraine usually attacks only one part of the head.
Severe dizziness and nausea are common symptoms of migraines. However, nausea can also occur before the migraine attacks. These two symptoms arise because migraine is classified as a neurological disorder. Migraine attacks cause disruption to the central nervous system and thus disrupt the transmission of signals to the digestive system. As a result of the migraine, you will also experience nausea at the same time.
Apart from that, vomiting during a migraine attack could also be due to the serotonin. People with migraines sometimes have decreased serotonin levels, which may also lead to nausea.
In contrast to migraine, headaches are usually caused by stress and discomfort on both sides and are not accompanied by nausea, vomiting, or insensitivity to light and sound.
Family history is the strongest and most consistent risk factor for migraines, the chances of it being increased two to three times among relatives with migraines.
For some patients, migraines are triggered by a number of specific causes, while ordinary headaches are not! In addition, migraines require special treatment and management while common headaches can be managed by changing lifestyle and some painkillers.
Here are some causes of migraine.
- Hormone changes in women. Estrogen fluctuations, such as before or throughout menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause seem to cause headaches in most women.
- Alcoholic drinks, especially wine and consuming too much coffee.
- Stress at work or at home.
- Stimulation sensors, such as light and sunlight, filtering sounds, strong odours such as perfumes, paints.
- Change / insufficient sleep, jet lag.
- Physical factors, such as a physical activity that cause tension.
- Weather/pressure changes.
- Medicines such as oral contraceptives and vasodilators, such as nitroglycerin.
- Food, like cheese, chocolate, and coffee.
- Sweeteners and food preservatives.
In the early stages, you can use medications that can be purchased without a prescription, such as paracetamol, or nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or sodium naproxen, to reduce migraine symptoms.
Doctors usually recommend using NSAIDs to see if they can alleviate pain before prescribing other anti-migraine medications that should be purchased with a prescription. You can also try to reduce the frequency of migraines by identifying and avoiding triggers that can cause migraines.
Natural ways to treat migraine
- If the cause is identified, avoid the factors that can cause migraines.
- Exercise regularly and meditate and practice a healthy lifestyle.
- Enough sleep. 7-8 hours is recommended.
- Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs.
- Avoid heavy activity.
We recommend that you check with your doctor if your dizziness and nausea are starting to interfere with your daily activities. In addition, also consult your doctor and get medication by DoctoronCall if your symptoms are worsening. Doctors can also advise on what to avoid and how to handle it. For example, avoiding or reducing alcohol consumption, and getting enough sleep to reduce dizziness and nausea.