Best Way To Prepare For Your SAT Exam

Anyone who has already learned in school and college has a good chance of passing the SAT with a good score. Nevertheless, with a little practice, you can prepare yourself even better for it and thus achieve an even better score. We have a few tips for you on how this works best with the preparation:

Improve English

Sounds logical at first, but you can always use it. It’s best to start reading different media in English! This can be news, books, or other things. So you get a feel for foreign-language texts and practice your reading comprehension a little. If you want to train your listening skills a bit, you should use streaming services such as Amazon and Netflix. Because here you can set different languages, even with subtitles! Put your favorite series or film in English, and practice your listening skills. Not only is it fun, but it also improves your English sustainably.

You can improve your writing style with different writing tasks. Just choose a topic and write a short essay about it. There are even some exercises on many pages, as they have already been set in SAT. So you have a little foretaste and can prepare yourself better for writing.

You can set a speaking, reading, and writing exam for yourself or get a Sat exam tutoring(ติว สอบ Sat which is the term in thai) center to help you prepare. You can record yourself and practice more through that. Please pay attention to where you take breaks and where you discover small mistakes and try to improve it afterward.

Attend Preparatory Courses

There are many online introductory courses to help you prepare for the exam. With the preparatory course, you can access practice materials that are designed for your version of the test (academic or general training) and edit useful sample tasks so that you already get a feel for the structure and structure of the test. You work on the jobs in the time specified, which also applies during the trial. So the right conditions to get a good score! You can see feedback after each situation that shows you how advanced you are. If you register for the test, you have 20 hours of teaching material available, free of charge. If you want to practice longer, you have to pay for the course.

Preparation Books

Preparation books that are specially tailored to the SAT are also not very cheap, but quite helpful. If you don’t want to spend a lot of money, you can check out the Facebook groups of your university or faculty or browse classified ads on eBay. Because after the test, the books are pretty useless, and many want to get rid of them for less money. After you have completed the test, you can also sell the books.

As a rule, you can, above all, practice your reading comprehension with the previous books. Most of the time, the solutions are at the back of the book so that you can check your answers. Besides, CD-ROMs are often included with which you can practice your listening skills. Sometimes there are also language exercises where you have to talk to the computer. This will then be recorded, and you can listen to it again. The books are not cheap, but they can prepare you well for the test and bring you closer to the task format.