MLA formatting is one of the most popular ways to organize different kinds of academic papers. It is widely used in schools, colleges, universities, and research centres. MLA formatting assists in providing the uniqueness of the text and preventing plagiarism issues. Due to these reasons, the knowledge of MLA style is vital for amateur writers as well as experienced researchers.
MLA Generals
Being founded in the middle of the previous century, MLA (Modern Language Association), underwent thorough the significant changes to make it easier and universal to exploit and perceive. This way the MLA eighth edition is widely used nowadays mainly for in-text citation and as an antiplagiarism proof. Its official manuals and guidances may be found on the Internet and exploited with no hurdles.
MLA In-Text Citations
Generally, MLA is characterized by parenthetical in-text citations. Here are some of its general rules:
- One-author source – author’s surname is followed by page number.
- Two-authors source – authors’ surnames are followed by page number
- Multiple-authors source – only the first author’s surname is provided, followed by the “et al.” phrase, pagination, and page number.
- No-author source – the reference title is followed by page number.
- Website citation – author’s surname is followed by the “par” and paragraph number.
These and other rules can be explored in multiple MLA guides, while MLA format examples will simplify its application in your work process.
MLA formatting style is one of the most popular ways to supply relevant in-text citations and source references. It has simple in use and understanding rules and applications. That is why it is significant to learn the general MLA principles and exploit them properly in your works. This will let you support the genuineness of your work and deprive it of plagiarism troubles.